Mt. Shasta Retreats in Northern California, USA
Find Yourself and Your Soul


Mt. Shasta has sacred energy that brings stillness, peace and healing. Beautiful landscapes and refreshing waters surround this tranquil mountain area. This is the perfect place to open up, relax and find balance with the teachings from The Invisible Mirror.

These retreats are specifically designed for individuals who want to discover the deeper parts of themselves, and learn to escape from any negative energy. Each day you will be guided with a Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment (Japanese healing art, like acupressure), learn about energy, how to honor yourself, let go and harmonize your mind, body and soul. We will take easy hikes and enjoy nature. There will be daily lessons and discussions on how to live a better, more positive life. You will also have plenty of alone time so you can get quiet within, breathe and do whatever you desire. The retreat is about enjoying the basics that life has to offer. There will be no electronics allowed during your visit, so that you can fully detoxify your energy. You will leave feeling rejuvenated and at peace, plus you will have all the tools you need to succeed when you return home.


So please come join us, learn to rise above and become a Soul Warrior!

These retreats are 5 days and 4 nights and are scheduled during the spring and fall seasons.

The cost is $600 to $850, and you will be staying at a bed and breakfast inn. These are small retreats with a maximum of 9 people for optimal focus and healing. You must be in good health, able to walk at least 2 miles and be 23 to 75 years of age to attend. A deposit of $200.00 is needed to reserve a place for yourself. Please contact us if you are interested in the upcoming scheduled dates or have other questions in regards to these retreat offerings.


Go to the contact page and fill out your information or you can email us at Thank you.


The Invisible Mirror

The Invisible Mirror